Just when you think an internet scam is simply ordinary, it turns out to be a scandal on a much greater scale. Ilan Tzorya, an Israeli man remains to be…

Just when you think an internet scam is simply ordinary, it turns out to be a scandal on a much greater scale. Ilan Tzorya, an Israeli man remains to be…
FinTelegram, an online outlet hiding behind spreading financial intelligence news, is a perfect tool in the hands of notorious criminals indicted in theft, fraud, money laundering, and online scams around…
As it appears, the tragedies of fraud continue as a recurrent group of fraudsters refuse to be at rest. This time, what seemed to be an ordinary internet scam turned…
A group working in a call center in Petah Tikva has been under scrutiny for alleged fraudulent business that targets investors in Germany. The Times of Israel reports that just…
Werner Böhm ist eines der berüchtigtsten Gesichter Österreichs, wenn es um Online-Betrug, institutionellen Betrug, Erpressung und bösartige Kampagnen gegen seine ehemaligen Geschäftspartner geht, die die Grenzen nicht überschreiten. Vom drohenden…
FinTelegram, eine Website, von der viele glaubten, sie biete Finanzinformationen an, hat sich als nichts anderes als ein kriminelles Unternehmen entpuppt. Von ihrem kriminellen Mastermind Wener Böhm bis hin zu…
FinTelegram, a site many believed to be offering financial intelligence, has turned out to be nothing but a criminal enterprise. From its criminal mastermind, Wener Boehm, to other partners and…
Man sagt, die besten Helden haben Handlanger. Aber warum werden sie nicht genauso gewürdigt? Die Yline-Affäre hat Werner Böhm in den Mittelpunkt aller Erzählungen gerückt, aber vergessen wir nicht die…
Some say the best heroes have sidekicks. But how come they never get the same recognition? The Yline affair has put Werner Böhm at the forefront of every narrative but…
Werner Boehm is one of the most notorious faces in Austria whenever it comes to online scams, institutional fraud, extortion, and malicious campaigns against their former business partners who fail…