A group working in a call center in Petah Tikva has been under scrutiny for alleged fraudulent business that targets investors in Germany. The Times of Israel reports that just…

A group working in a call center in Petah Tikva has been under scrutiny for alleged fraudulent business that targets investors in Germany. The Times of Israel reports that just…
Werner Böhm ist eines der berüchtigtsten Gesichter Österreichs, wenn es um Online-Betrug, institutionellen Betrug, Erpressung und bösartige Kampagnen gegen seine ehemaligen Geschäftspartner geht, die die Grenzen nicht überschreiten. Vom drohenden…
Als Kinder sagten unsere Eltern immer zu uns: “Sprich nicht mit Fremden”. Auf diese Weise erinnerten sie uns an die harte Realität der Welt, in der wir leben und in…
As kids, our parents would always say to us, “don’t talk to strangers.” This is how they reminded us of the harsh reality of the world we live in where…
Werner Boehm is one of the most notorious faces in Austria whenever it comes to online scams, institutional fraud, extortion, and malicious campaigns against their former business partners who fail…
3 international scammers, accused of defrauding pensioners of over €2.5M, arrested Another day, another heartless scam. Authorities in Austria have confirmed that 3 international scammers – two Serbian and one…
Exclusive: The owners of FinTelegram use the site to even out their personal vendettas. FinTelegram, as has been revealed in our ongoing series of exposés, is by no means the…
New revelations show that behind the fraudsters running the site – as reported last week – hides a darker, sinister criminal. FinTelegram the site many of us turned to for…
Convicted fraudster and his partners in crime are the secret owners of ‘investigative’ website FinTelegram! Werner Boehm, the infamous disgraced former CEO of BitRush, has disappeared from the public eye…
Disgraced former BitRush CEO Werner Boehm, suspected of forming new criminal enterprises in Europe. Warning to all investors operating in the European markets, an old and menacing criminal is allegedly…