Gerade als man dachte, der Sturm hätte sich gelegt, bekam Wirecard einen erneuten Rückschlag – dieses Mal von dem Investorenschutzverband “European Funds Recovery Initiative” (EFRI). Die EFRI, die nach eigenen…

Gerade als man dachte, der Sturm hätte sich gelegt, bekam Wirecard einen erneuten Rückschlag – dieses Mal von dem Investorenschutzverband “European Funds Recovery Initiative” (EFRI). Die EFRI, die nach eigenen…
Just when they thought the storm had calmed, Wirecard took another blow—this time from the investor protection association “European Funds Recovery Initiative” (EFRI). The EFRI, who claims to represent the…
The 3 foreign nationals are accused of scamming main street investors, including vulnerable individuals, through a binary options scam The USA Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged 3 foreign individuals…
Businessman indicted for running a string of fraudulent trading sites for years, facilitated by trading platforms The USA authorities have announced Jared J Davis, an Ohio Businessman who owned and…
Thai man touted ‘CryptoCurrency Wizard’ was arrested for stealing $16 M from investors The Thai police arrested Mana Jumuang, known professionally under the pseudonym ‘CryptoCurrency Wizard’ in Bangkok last week.…
The two ran a twitter-based scam, in an attempt to steal bitcoin from an Oregon resident Two Canadians were charged for scheming to steal bitcoin from an Oregon resident. The…
Historical ruling in the UK! For the first time ever, a judge has ordered the confiscation of bitcoin, worth over £900,000 from an imprisoned hacker. The hacker, Grant West, had…
New series of reports will shed light on the way some of the biggest platforms facilitate ongoing Binary Trading scams around the world. The world of Binary Trading has been…
The Corporate Regulator wages war on Forex and Binary Options trading, endangering investors. Investments Commission (ASIC) has released an official paper stating it is considering heavy restrictions on various ‘Contracts…